Thursday, October 31, 2013

What would I do differently?

I am most likely going to Europe this summer to complete a program similar to the one I completed this past summer. This is a list assuming most everything I experienced will be similar, what will I do differently.


  1.  1. I would pack less work clothes and more play clothes. I did the opposite this past summer and I wished I had more clothes to travel with because I don't wear big tees on the regular basis. 
  2. I would bring a smaller suitcase so I could have the option of traveling around, either that or find it a place to leave it. Unfortunately a lot of airports do not have that option anymore, some bus and train stations still do though.
  3. I would bring less clothes as a whole, so I could buy clothes over there because I found some good deals and things I liked but I didn't had hardly any weight room available.
  4. Bring clothes for different seasons, I sorely wished I brought shorts with me.
  1. I would bring peanut butter with me and ritz crackers. The food is expensive on top of the exchange rate. My friends and I wanted to 'eat the culture in' when traveling but it got to hurt our wallets. They give a lot of food but a lot of the places we ate at didn't allow 'doggy bags'. I also don't remember ever seeing kids meals.
  2. IN MODERATION- Not eat and drink as much as I did daily. It was neither easy on the wallet nor my waistline.
  3. Find cheaper options to eat because you still need to think about the exchange rate depending on your home country.
  1. Don't plan so much- This past summer I learned this, because I was saying how I will be here x amount of days/hours. That really never happened.
  2. Although if you are planning on traveling on a Friday, buy the ticket so it isn't so expensive. I was going to go to Edinburgh and I was waiting the entire time for the night before to buy a ticket to anywhere. When I went to buy a ticket to Edinburgh it jumped from 85 pounds to near 200 pounds. I had to give up that portion of the trip.


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