Tuesday, October 22, 2013

6 signs you have senioritis.

I graduate in December and luckily I am able to motivate myself because honestly without that you'd never see me in class.

1. You make an excel spreadsheet to find out what grades you need to make sure you are able to graduate at all or graduate with honours.

2. When the student elections are happening and they ask you what you would like to change on campus, you're answer will most likely be 'make graduation happen now'

3. Whenever a professor keeps you beyond the class hour.

4. Whenever you are taking that elective you missed your freshman year and a freshman asks you or the professor a dumb question.

5.Or whenever you are asked for input in a class discussion on the Human Capital Theory.
(Yea I used the same gif, come at me bro)

6. When a classmate asks if you're going to the library to study for the exam


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