Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Travel Bucket List Part 1 (Top 5): Asia And Egypt

I know that I am a new traveler when compared to the likes of those who have backpacked across the world. Which is my dream to do one day, perhaps in the near future. This is a list of what I want to do if I ever visit these countries. Note: these pictures do not belong to me. Not in any particular order.

1. Egypt- My dream is to go to Cairo and Alexandria and see  the old Egyptian ruins and another dream is to work in Egypt conducting research. I would love to be able to read the ancient hieroglyphs, see the pyramids, experience the cities.

2. China- Apparently 5K where you run a portion of the Great Wall. I want to do that! Even though I am horribly out of shape.

3. South Korea- I am an avid watcher of Kdramas, especially the historical ones. I'd love to go to some of the old palaces and eat some legit kimchi.
Gyeongbokgung Palace

4. India- This country has so much history and the culture is so colourful! All the saris, the food, although it is real crowded. I once read a book on Mother Theresa and that made me want to visit Calcutta and see all the work she did, also be able to help a little (if they let me). There is also the ancient temples that are so intricate and beautiful, what a sight it would be to behold!

5. Thailand- This country has a lot of history, formerly known as Siam, they have so many exquisite temples. I have been told it is really cheap to travel around this country. 
Stupas at Ayutthaya

Note- I would love to visit every country in Asia, but these are the ones I have heard the most about!


  1. Might I suggest a visit to Estonia? A trip is not complete without a visit to this Baltic Tiger.

  2. Estonia is not considered part of Asia. Is it? I thought it was still part of Europe.


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