Tuesday, November 12, 2013

St Augustine, Fl, USA- St. George St

    St Augustine is the oldest continually occupied city in the U.S and was founded by the Spanish in 1565 as a military outpost. Much of the city's architecture reflects this Spanish heritage. St. George street is one of the many streets that make up the city's historic downtown district. In the early days of the city this was the main street and the heart of the city. It is a pedestrian only street so one doesn't need to worry about getting run over by a car or trolley. Between the old City Gate and the Cathedral on the other end you will find many historic attractions, restaurants serving delicious food, candy shops, bakeries, galleries of artisans and shops. There are also many public restrooms available.
    From certain areas of this street one can see the Castillo de San Marcos (S Castillo Dr) in the distance. Historical attractions along St. George street include the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse, Dr. Peck house, Colonial Quarter, and the City Gate. There are many more attractions just outside the street as well! Those include the Authentic Drug Store (Orange St), Lightner Museum (King St), Spanish Military Hospital (Aviles St), Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park (Magnolia Ave), Mission of Nombre de Dios (Ocean Ave), and Flagler College (King St).
    Parking lots are located nearby and cost approximately $10 for the day. Metered parking is also available along the curb but we opted for the $10 a day pass. It is well worth paying the $10 because otherwise you'll be driving around for a while to find suitable parking.

An arcade of shops, and restaurants.

Dr. Peck House

The old city gate in the distance!


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