Thursday, September 26, 2013

8 Saving Techniques

Now I am a college student on a limited income, so I have to try and make my dollar stretch.

1. Try and make a budget- Write down what you spend everyday in a notebook or in an excel spreadsheet. You will see over time where your money is going and where to cut down.

2. Pay attention into what pits you are throwing your money into- I realized that I was going out to eat way to often and buying a lot of coffee. Slowly I began to make my own coffee and making my own food at home. 

3. Use only cash!- Credit cards for emergencies but use cash, because once it's gone it is gone. 

4. Save your change- Have a jar that you put your small change in everyday. If you follow number 3 then you will always have change left over, just put that in that jar and count it when you decide too.

5. Pay-as-you-go phones- Last year my contract was up and I was  in the market for a new phone. After shopping around and doing my budget. I realized I could afford an iPhone, but I didn't want to pay for it. So I decided to get a go-phone and I pay 35 bucks a month for unlimited text, data and (I think) 150 mins. Now it isn't ideal and I sometimes wish I had a new smartphone, but I realized that it is a want and not a necessity. 

6. Necessity vs Want- I remember a conversation I had with my father when I was a freshman, I told him that I 'needed' this purse. He corrected me and told me that I 'wanted' that purse, I can survive without it and I did. With that being said you must evaluate the necessities and wants in your life.

7. Put a portion of your weekly income away into savings.

8. Set goals for yourself.


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