Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Aran Islands, Ireland - Part 1

    My very last destination of travel before returning to the U.S was to the Aran Islands. I met with a friend of mine from site and we met in Dublin to take the bus out to Galway so we could take the ferry the next day. We had some misfortunes that day because our bus ended up breaking down and we had to wait 45 mins for another bus to pick us up and take us to Galway. So we were 45 minute behind schedule and we ended up making another stop along the way in a town for about 20 mins. In total we were over an hour off schedule and we would not have been able to make the ferry that day, so we held it off and just waled around Galway a bit.
    Galway is a nice seaside town but honestly I dislike it very much, not really at any fault to the town but the fact that every time we visited something went wrong.

The ferry to the Aran Islands leaves from Galway which is why we were there. We bought our tickets for 26Euros and met the bus at 9am. The company is named Aran Island Ferries (straight and to the point, I like it.) We visited the island Inis Mór because that best fit our schedule and it is the biggest of the 3 islands. These islands are known for their wool which they make into sweaters, hats, gloves etc etc. I have a scarf and a sweater that I bought in Dublin that originates from these islands.

We got to the islands and it is lovely, a small town with a population of 800, it is known for their pride of everything Irish, they even speak it there. We had gone into a pub for lunch and we heard the customers speaking to the bartender in Irish. It was awesome to hear the language spoken.

For people wondering where to leave your luggage, you can leave it on the island and pay one of the shopkeepers 1 euro and they'll take care of it.

The town in the faroff distance when walking to the Black Fort.


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