Friday, January 3, 2014


Ah, it is that time of year again. Everyone has a resolution and many people, come February, will give up on it -don't give up, prove those nay-sayers wrong. This is the time of year where the gyms are full and everyone has a gym membership (It makes me feel I should exercise more). The time of year people say they will start saving or be extra frugal. The ultimate goal is to grow as a person, to become better than you were last year.

Habits are hard to break. They say it take 21 days to create a habit, so one must be consistent and do their resolution everyday in hopes they do not give up. Changing yourself is difficult. One thing I do love about a new year is that people are trying to better themselves. That is noble to say the least.

In all honesty I do not have a resolution, I don't think I have ever had a resolution. Well, I suppose my resolution is to be a happier and to look at the bright side, but I have been trying to do that since last year. I do love a new year because it is a new beginning, a fresh start, new experiences. I even cut my hair!

That is about as much physical change I'll probably do at the beginning of the new year. What are your resolutions for 2014?

Here are some of my 'resolutions', these are things I have been working on since last year, but I resolve to keep working on them.

1. Continue learning to write. This blog and the papers I have written are all practice for me.

2. Stop procrastinating so much. I, like many of my cohorts are huge procrastinators.

3. Stop spending my money on so much clothes, I should also start selling some of mine.

4. Keep traveling and never stop learning.

5. Limit eating out to once a week (easier said than done for me). 

6. Perhaps I should really get back into ballet. It was the only type of exercise I ever liked.


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