Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Good news!

So I have  got some great news. I have a full-time job now, and I cannot post as frequently anymore. I will try to every Wednesday though.

I read this post called "Don't date a girl who travels" 

At first, I thought it would demean girls like me, who don't settle, and are somewhat nomadic (for lack of a better word). As I read it, I began to agree with it, so many guys I have dated tried to get me to settle down with them. Apparently, I have a 'wanderlust', to those who don't know what it is, it means the impulse or desire to always travel or move around.

Although I disagree with one of the points , "Chances are, she can't hold a steady job," I can. But it is true that I do not work towards someones dream but my own. With my current job, I have been given an opportunity, if I play my cards right and work hard for the next few months, I can have my own office and my own employees.

I have many dreams. They all do not go together and my career paths vary, whenever someone asks me why I did not choose a major that would lead to a specific career. I picked my major because I knew I could do whatever I wanted with it, I do not have one path but many paths. I have never been a settler, I love options and taking advantage of those options. I have many interests and not only one. I hope you see where I am getting at here. Yes, I have a life of uncertainty and I do not know exactly where I will be in the next year or so but that is what I love about it. I can make my life whatever I want it to be.

I spoke overheard a motivational speaker speaking to my boss who said that 'Money does not make you who you are, you work to be the best you can be and the money will follow.' I am going to work to be the best I can be at whatever career I am in and not focus on the amount of money I have in my bank. Look at how many people in this world worked their way up from nothing, they were the best they could be and the money followed.


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