Saturday, January 18, 2014

10 things that I have realized about post-grad life

See lets talk about the life of a post-grad. My friends and I have talked about it and we came to the same conclusion. Life after college is not so fantastic, at least not what we expected.

1. It is boring, like really boring. I have answered the question, "So, what are you doing with your life now?" with "I am writing," which is not a lie, it's just editing old papers and making sure my little anecdotes are under 140 characters. Although I am learning how to write well, so that is a plus. Perhaps I can write the next great American novel. Maybe, don't hold your breath.

2. Finding a job is difficult, a real adult job. Either I am over or under qualified, I have yet to find a job that is in the middle of that. It makes me feel better that I am not the only one.

3. School was actually not too bad. Sure, I had sleepless nights and my brain sometimes hurt, but I felt like I had a purpose in life. It was just due at the end of the week.

4. I have enough freedom to do everything I want, I can see the world and go to concerts. Those things cost money, I now see the importance of a job.

5. You realize the world is not that fair, you just keep going.

6. There is such a thing as a hangover. I never had one until I graduated, now I really feel like an adult.

7. I am doing a lot of research, a lot. Since there is a lot of available information at the end of my fingertips, thanks to the Internet. I can research things I always wanted to learn about, that I never had time to do before. I can read the books I bought but never had enough time to read because I was reading textbooks. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

8. I have begun to be thankful for the little things in life, I've become more appreciative to those in my life.

9. I've had more time to make videos and stuff, which is fun. Oh I am crafting and painting more now. Look for me on Etsy, soon. I'll be selling those things.

10. Okay, so I only had a few. I am new college graduate. I am still trying to figure everything out! With that being said, you can join me on my journey of figuring out my life by following me on twitter!


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