Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland churches

They are both named St. Patrick's and the only word that differs is the name; whether it is a 'church' or 'cathedral'.

 St. Patrick's church-

(As seen from Trim Castle)

                                It was built in the 19th century and is Roman Catholic. 
I attended a mass here and it was fastest mass I have ever attended. Instead of being an hour is was between 30-45 minutes, there was no singing and no homily. Also instead of walking up in single file to the priest for the Eucharist, everyone just walked up in any manner they chose and up to the fence in front of the altar while the priest walked left to right.

 Commemorating St. Bernadette and the Virgin at the grotto.

St Patrick's Cathedral-
It is Anglican and is the Church of England, unlike in England where it is the Church of England. I did not attend mass here but I imagine it is similar to the Anglican churches I have attended.

The tower was built in the medieval ages and is a remnant of the Church of Trim
Ceremonies to become bishops have been here since the early 1500's

On this land supposedly St. Patrick originally founded his church. It did not survive most likely because it would have been wooden and if it was stone it was rebuilt during the medieval ages. There are several stories about this, some say it was his nephew but others say it was the famous saint.


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