Thursday, August 22, 2013

Let the games begin!

Now on my study abroad we were all obviously college students and the majority were American. In Europe all of us are of age but only a couple were of age in the U.S *cough**cough* me. Earlier that day my roommates and I decided we wanted to play beer pong, and I was in charge of ping pong balls. The seemingly easiest assignment was not the easiest. I could not find them anywhere in town, I had gone to every single toy store, supermarket, knick-knack store there was. So I settled for these squishy stress balls, I did not know that the roommate in charge of the solo cups couldn't find any appropriate ones either. So what did we do? We made up our own game.

Each team has a chair and the point of the game is to make it through the holes. The middle hole is worth 1 drink while the 4 surrounding it is worth 1/2 drink. Whenever the opposite team scored on your chair you had to drink that amount. It was actually difficult because the balls would just bounce off the chairs.


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