Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How-to: Jet Lag

So I have been thinking about how I am going to cure this jet lag. I have heard many ideas on how-to by my friends and family. While the most jet lag I have experienced is a 2 hour difference, which believe me you can feel it.

Here are some tips that I have compiled:

  1. A week or so before your trip try to sleep on that time. So when you arrive you're rested. For example: if the time difference is 5 hours, then go to sleep around 5pm your time so your sleep schedule will line up with theirs. Then wake up around the time you'd be waking up, for me I would have to wake up 2:30 am my time because I would be waking up at 7:30 am their time.
  2. Keep hydrated. You may think that you should drink a lot of coffee during your travels. Wrong. Drink some but drink a lot of water. Stay hydrated my friends. :)
  3. When you arrive in your destination do not do things you would on your schedule, many airlines arrive in Europe from the U.S in the morning. Do not go to your hotel/hostel and sleep, stay awake. Besides you may be too excited to sleep ;)
  4. There is also another thing my friends told me about, don't not to eat a lot of fried foods, eat healthy. I feel this would go along with staying hydrated. Fried foods, despite them being wildly available and cheap especially in the U.S, they can make you feel ill during the travels. He told me that eating fruits was the best idea.

I will update this list with more tips! I'll talk to y'all soon.


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