Thursday, August 29, 2013

London- Part 3 - Madame Tussaud's, Eateries, Shopping

On my last day in London I had a little bit of time left on my 'Original Bus Tour' pass, since I bought it late in the day before so it would end 1 pm; 24 hours after I had originally purchased the pass. I decided to go see Madame Tussaud's, with the pass I was able to buy it at a discounted rate. I paid 28 pounds for the ticket at  the bus stop near Marble Arch. Madame Tussaud's took a large chunk out of my day and since my pass expired I took the tube 'metro or subway' back to Edgeware Rd where I was meeting my friend for lunch.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Charlie Chaplin

Picasso (we share the same birthday)

Madame Tussaud


A portion of the tube line

Baker Street- Quite a pivotal street in the Sherlock series.

Edgeware Rd

This amazing Arab restaurant - Maroush, located on Edgeware Rd. I found it to be quite affordable. I would love to eat here again!

The famous Portobello Rd, as seen in the movie 'Bed nobs and Broomsticks'.

They have these adorable shops and also carts of people selling things. Very affordable. They sold in my opinion good souvenirs if you're looking to bring home items that aren't too touristy looking. I bought a dress for 5 pounds. Which I couldn't believe. Primark is another store in England that sells items cheaply, I bought shorts (the heat wave was nearly unbearable) and a strapless top, for 8 pounds total.


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