Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fowey, Cornwall, UK

The day after Tintagel I made my way over to Fowey which is on the southern portion of the county. It is a seaside town that is mountainous and was gorgeous. It is pronounced 'Foy', the family I stayed with had to correct all of my pronunciations. Fowey is a town that survives on tourism which as apparent to me because I grew up in a tourist location.

The reason for my visitation was the Tristan stone, which stands 3 miles outside of town. Luckily I had my hiking boots.
The Tristan stone, according to legend this is where he is buried and this is his tombstone. The second photo has the inscription written in 6thc letters but when translated says "Tristan here lies of Cunomorus the son". Cunomorus is King Mark.

Fowey the seaside town

Stopped into a local eatery and had an English delicacy with a Cornish flair. Tea, fruit scone, jam and clotted cream. Clotted cream is much like butter.

Cornish pastry:  YUM, it was shredded beef with veggies.

Walking around the town
View to the bay from a higher point in town, there is hardly any vehicle access around town so one must walk everywhere. My thighs were burning after this trip because of how steep it was.


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