Thursday, November 14, 2013

St. Augustine, Fl- The Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse Pt 1

As the name would suggest the Schoolhouse is the oldest wooden school building in the U.S but not the oldest school building, I presume the oldest is made from stone or brick. It is located on St. George St near the old City Gate. The Schoolhouse was built sometime after 1702 because that was the year the British burned all the wooden structures in the city to the ground. Its date of construction therefore is unknown but its first appearance in tax records was in 1716. With that being said it was built sometime within that 14  year time span.
Florida is well known for hurricane season so the structures within the area are anchored down to ensure that it isn't blown away when a hurricane does come to call. It has been restored numerous times over the l 300 or so years and this has ensured its survival.

The complex contains the actual schoolhouse, a kitchen, an outhouse, several statues commemorating men who helped build the city.
View from the main street

That's a mannequin

The kitchen

The well

Meditation room aka the necessary aka the outhouse


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