Sunday, June 16, 2013

Newgrange and Knowth

A few days ago I went to Newgrange with a bunch of people to check out the mounds which were interesting. The day was cold and rainy but the sun would come out every so often and I was able to capture a beauty of the landscape.

Here are some pictures.
The main mound with the fertility stone.

If you touch this rock you are granted fertility and the part to be touched is the back which feels glassy and smooth which means that for centuries people have been traveling to touch this stone.

The sundial rock that was possibly used as a calender, although some disagree.

One of the passageways

A wooden henge.

From the top of the main mound, for the following pictures as well.

Inside one of the smaller burial mounds


  1. Do you still have the mumps?

    Obligatory comment pointing out how the first picture is just a big phallus... did you touch it?

  2. I am healed! Yes I did, even the tour guide noted that it looked it like it.


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