Before you leave depending on how long you are traveling you should stop at your local grocery store and buy cheap and easy food items as well as snacks. For me I will always lean for sandwiches. (I can't say no to a good PBJ or Turkey sandwich) These items are good to have so that you don't have to buy overpriced and unhealthy foods at the restaurants. Trust me your wallet will thank you.
If you still want to go out and not eat in your hotel, you can always make a picnic. Everyone loves a picnic. That's why sandwiches are a great idea, also food items you can make easily like potato salad, cole slaw, any items you can make in your simple kitchenette or hotel room. Sometimes you don't have a stove or availability of utensils and pots to make fancy dinners. Last I checked we are not the Prince who will have eggs benedict made on a hot plate in a dorm room. Unless you bring your own hot plate then you can but that is all you honey.
These items I would recommend the most based on my personal experience
- Bread
- Deli meat
- Jelly
- Some fixin's for you sandwich like maybe a premade salad and you add the lettuce and dressing to your deli sandwich for flavor. (Hey don't judge me I am a college kid)
- Mayonnaise
- Potatoes -Some stores allow you to buy individual .
- Coleslaw mixings - I know there are prepackaged mixing for this, I have bought this before
- Some snacks - chips, peanuts, bananas- try to stay as healthy as possible. Bananas are easy cleanup and can be bought individually.
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