Saturday, March 1, 2014


I love Technology.

As some of you may know I am pursuing a specialty of Archaeology when I head to graduate school. I just received my first letter of acceptance, now I really need to start saving my money. Anyway, The Centre for Metropolitan History and Museum of London Archaeology created a detailed map of London as it was in 1746.

They used John Rocque's map of 1746 London and georeferenced (placing the image in its correct location by determining its features) it. They then overlaid it onto the current map of London on Google.

You can travel London as though you were in 1746 and the best part is that you can see differences of then and now by moving the 'Streetview'. The differences include showing the modern roads. The industrial revolution and the onset of the technological age have rendered London to grow exponentially.

Site I have gained my information from:


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