Pronounced Glen-da-lock, written in Irish as Gleann dá Loch meaning the Glen of 2 lakes. Situated in Wicklow county among the Wicklow mountains. It is absolutely beautiful and serene if you walk the mountain paths and stay away from the popular trails. To arrive there I took a bus called the St. Kevin's bus service and it costs 20 euros to go, the bus picks up at 1130 daily in front of the Mansion House in Dublin. Since you have to buy your ticket on the bus and it isn't available for purchase online, you MUST ARRIVE 30 mins EARLY. This is important because once the bus fills up then there isn't another one until the next day.
If you aren't aware St.Kevin founded a monastery in this location in the 500's. He was known for his closeness to nature with his companions being animals when he was a hermit. Overtime people would visit and it became a spot for a monastery.
The Round Tower
The Monastic Area
Mountain hiking
Upper Lake
Reefert's Church

St.Kevin's Cell
View from St. Kevin's Cell
St. Kevin
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